Heart Hustle and Humor

Episode 25 - Letting the Story Do the Selling with Arvee Robinson

Episode Summary

On this episode, Dr. T is joined by Master Speaker Trainer Arvee Robinson for a conversation about what makes a good public speaker, letting go of fear, on how learning the skill of public speaking can impact your life.

Episode Notes

Today's Guest: Avree Robinson

For over a decade, Arvee Robinson has been educating business owners, service professionals and entrepreneurs on how to become a persuasive public speaker. She will show you how to use public speaking as a marketing strategy to instantly grow your business. Arvee Robinson’s exclusive proven speaker system is the ultimate solution for people looking to develop, sharpen or advance their personalized message, and confidently deliver that message to the world.

From the Episode:

"There is a level of vulnerability associated in even the first step of going up on a stage." -Dr. T 

"Good speakers want to know what you believe in. We want to know your core values." -Arvee Robinson

Contact our Guest Avree Robinson:  

To REGISTER for the MILLION DOLLAR SUMMIT: https://arvee.isrefer.com/go/mdss/theresa/


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